Memo just for me

My minimal usage for personal git



A: Major version

a: Minor Version (Increased added some functionality)

1: Bug fix, code refine

Branch name

dev_A.a.1 is development branch for version A.a.1

dev_A.a.1_ is branch for development of .

dev_A.a.1_ is merged to dev_A.a.1 when finished developement.

Commit comment in dev_A.a.1_ is as you want.

Commit comment in dev_A.a.1 is version.

Development flow

  1. Clone repository from the remote repository

  2. Create branch in local repository

  3. Develop the created branch in local repository

  4. Merge the developed branch in local repository

  5. Push the merged to the remote repository


Clone repository from the remote repository

% git clone <url>

Create branch in local repository

% git branch <branch_name>

% git checkout <branch_name>


% git checkout -b <branch_name>

Develop the created branch in local repository

When you create new files

% git add <new\_files>

Commit in development branch

% git commit -a -m 'commit messeage'

Merge the developed branch in local repository

% git branch master

% git merge <branch_name>

Push the merged to the remote repository

% git push origin master

Useful commands

Show newly indexed (added) files

% git diff --cached --name-only

Remove files from indexed

% git rm --cached <filename>

If you put forget '--cached', actual file is also removed.

Add files to index at first

% git add <filename>

Show differences between working and index

% git diff

Show files modified

% git diff --name-only

##### Commit all modified files in local
% git commit -a -m 'commitment comment'

The option '-a' automatically commit all modified files. But, new files before indexed (added) are not committed. First, you should add new files before commit.

Cancel the commit

% git reset --soft <commit id>

Return (reset) to , while workflow files will not be changed.

Discard the commit

% git reset --hard <commit id>

Return (reset) to . Workflow files will also return at

Show commit id and message history

% git log --oneline

Show commit graphically

% git log --graph

Show branch list

% git branch

Create branch

% git branch <branch_name>

Change branch

% git checkout <branch_name>

Delete branch

% git branch -d <branch_name>

Merge branch

% git merge --no--ff <branch_name>

Merge commit of to current branch.

Commit to the remote repository

% git push origin master

origin is just alias of the server name.

master is branch name. You can specify different branch name.

Update the latest commit from the remote repository

% git pull

Pull from local repository

% git pull . <branch>


% git merge <branch>


Show configuration list

% git config --list

Set cat for pager

% git config --global core.pager cat

merge withoug fast-forward (I like it!)

git config --global --add merge.ff false

But, pull fast-forward

git config --global --add pull.ff only

Set name globally

% git config --global 'Masayuki Tanaka'

Set email locally (for each project)

% git config --local 'mail@address'



Memo just for me

My official page

My official github

My hobby page

My hobby github

like silk